New State Laws Affect NC Business Owners


The Charlotte Business Journal reminds NC business owners the first day of October brought on a slew of new laws taking effect in the Tar Heel state. Here are a few that could have an impact on your business:

Private contractors could benefit from HB 110, which prohibits the state from requiring that contractors enter into labor union agreements as a condition of performing work on public construction projects. The bill is intended to encourage competition and level the playing field for non-union contractors seeking governmental construction contracts.

Contractors and building-material manufacturers will be affected by the implementation of energy-efficiency standards for major building projects. HB 628 mandates that major projects be designed so that the calculated energy consumption is at least 30 percent less than the same building constructed to 2004 standards. Major renovations will be required to have 20 percent less energy consumption than building renovations did in 2004.

Owners of self-storage facilities should pay attention to HB 243, which requires owners of self-storage facilities with liens on personal property to deliver a Notice of Public Sale of the property to the applicant by mail or email, publish the notice commercially, and conduct the sale through an online, publicly accessible auction website. The bill also requires owners of self-storage facilities to increase the minimum late fees for self-storage facility rental contracts. Read More.