Webinair to help employers deal with social media


Social media can benefit the construction industry, but Facebook, Twitter and other sites  are leading to new challenges for those who manage and supervise employees.  What can you do when a worker complains on a social media page?  Can bosses  mandate how workers behave on-line?

You can join Nexsen Pruet’s employment and labor law team for a webinar that looks at how the National Labor Relations Board  is prosecuting complaints against non-unionized as well as unionized employers  that discipline employees for critical and disparaging social media posts.  The Nexsen Pruet ELL group will also look at how the NLRB is cracking down on businesses that  have overly broad social media policies.  The complimentary webinar will also cover:

  • Discipline for misuse of social media
  • National Labor Relations Act
  • Protected concerted activities
  • Surveillance
  • Recent cases
  • Considerations for your social media policies

This 60-minute webinar will be offered at 8am and Noon on Tuesday, December  13th. To attend, please contact Summer Slaughter – sslaughter@nexsenpruet.com.  Read More.


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