NC Gov. Pat McCrory tells CAGC members what they want to hear

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North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory says his agenda will continue to focus on infrastructure funding, improving vocational education and providing incentives to draw businesses to North Carolina.

“Some of the costs of maintaining our public buildings are more than they are worth,” McCrory told nearly 120 Carolinas Associated General Contractors (CAGC) attendees at a quarterly Triangle CAGC luncheon on Dec. 1, adding the lights in the aging Albemarle Building in the State Government Complex either all must be turned on or off. “We can’t even find a way to turn the lights off at the Albemarle Building.”

McCrory’s comments were made at the CAGC’s quarterly Triangle Executive Club meeting in Raleigh. The 2015 quarterly luncheons have included presentations from NC Commerce Secretary John Skvarla, NC Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry and Rep. Dean Arp, a chief sponsor of legislation that will result in a $2 billion statewide bond referendum on March 15, 2016 for building, utility and parks infrastructure improvements, the CAGC reported on its website.

McCrory’s comments touched on wide-ranging issues in a conversation moderated by CAGC president and CEO Dave Simpson as well as questions posed from the audience. Issues discussed by the Governor included:

Transportation funding: The governor noted that the new strategic mobility formula takes politics out of the equation and instead relies on a data-driven process that involves such factors as traffic counts and congestion relief. Before recently adjourning the long session of the NC General Assembly, lawmakers approved what will amount to about $1.2 billion in new transportation spending in the current biennium. That figure includes the elimination of transferring from the Highway Fund to the General Fund about $216 million annually. McCrory said he has been a longtime supporter of those actions.

Berry Jenkins, NC government relations and highway-heavy director for CAGC, said after the meeting that the transportation funding changes are excellent. “Not only has the strategic mobility formula virtually eliminated politics in project programming, but it also has improved the accuracy of when projects will be let to contract, which greatly enhances the ability to plan for resource needs involving our members and the construction industry.”

Workforce development: The governor emphasized the value of community colleges and training for construction and other areas, adding that there continues to be a need for more workforce development initiatives. “Not everyone needs a four-year college degree,” McCrory said.

Other Issues: The governor also noted that the $2 billion unemployment insurance debt has been eliminated, the corporate tax rate continues to be reduced and that other tax code changes will continue to benefit the state. He said he will continue efforts in the short legislative session, which begins April 25, 2016, to eliminate a legislatively approved cap on transit funding that will affect light-rail construction primarily in the Triangle and Charlotte. McCrory noted that funding for ports in the Morehead City and a coordinated strategy for funding involving North Carolina military bases will continue to be a priority.

McCrory also discussed his strong support of the $2 billion construction funding referendum that will be on the statewide ballot next March. Betsy Bailey, NC government relations and building director for CAGC, said CAGC will work with a business coalition for the passage of this bond referendum.


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