CAGC makes E-Verify recommndations to NC legislative committee


The Carolinas AGC (CAGC) recently urged a North Carolina legislative committee to minimize the administrative burden on contractors and educate businesses about new e-verification legislation approved by state lawmakers last year.

“Minimize or avoid any legislation that continues a trend of increasing the administrative burden on our industry,” said Claudia Dodgen, chair of CAGC’s Human Resources Committee. “Help us keep the focus on the things that are helpful, such as this new legislation, and away from the things that create paperwork that does not necessarily benefit our end goal–creating jobs to move people from unemployment to gainful employment.”

Dodgen, vice president of employee services for Crowder Construction Company, Charlotte, NC, gave her testimony February 29th at a meeting of the NC House Select Committee on the State’s Role in Immigration Policy. Under questioning from lawmakers, Dodgen also noted that high wage rates recently implemented under Davis-Bacon guidelines concerning construction projects with federal funds were causing problems in the construction industry.


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